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February 04, 2005

Toss a ball...

Conversation could not have been less efficient… I am chatting with [some guy] from [the neighbouring school]. If you thought that the average IQ at our school was low (the assumption is that Big Party readers represent the smart part of the school), you would have been wrong (that does not mean that you automatically transfer to the dumb (loser) part of it - after all, even the smart people…)

If that guy transferred to our school, then the average IQs of both schools would decrease. He sounds like a guy who is wrong exactly half the time, but that wouldn’t be the complete truth (actually, its a very inaccurate assessment), because he never really says anything (just cycles with non-expert high tech mumbo jumbo) and thus his statements don’t have a true-false values. More often then not, his notes are pointless and boring. I mean, who cares? Imagine him talking to a ball: “Yes… okay… yes… and?… the point being… boring!”

Posted by Oleg Ivrii at February 4, 2005 10:55 PM

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