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February 04, 2005

New prospects

The first half of the academic year is over… and the second is about to begin. I face uncertainly - the lack of knowledge. I have yet to meet my classmates, my teachers… the fun is about to begin. Yet the past isn’t history: I am to find out my marks, and they might haunt me dearly after. On the other hand, what am I to say? Just as likely, I will forget them the moment I see them - after I ascertain their value or observe them in pattern (just like my exam timetable).

Deep Thought: For some, it is the fear of the unknown - but I think that in the deepest hell, the truth is in the reverse: it is knowledge - of failure, of impossibility - the sharp lines, the dead curves which puzzles us - that break our minds and take over our souls. Bloody thoughts shuffle us in bed, and those who do not sleep, walk dead. But don’t blame knowledge, and do not harness the mental resistance (ignorance) to fight it, for it is better to suffer failure, the very worst bit of it. Sometimes it is the weak who are buried in hope that emerge victorious… but in this battle, I grow stronger every hour.

Posted by Oleg Ivrii at February 4, 2005 08:05 PM

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