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February 03, 2005

Its a race

So ended my chemistry exam. It was like my data management exam, but squared. Teachers were watching thousands of students in the overcrowded cafeteria (or gymnasium) punching buttons in their calculators. There is nothing to know (its just a bunch of common sense - and if you do not want to know what is happening, use dimensional analysis, and multiply or divide the numbers given. More often then not, you will get the correct answer). The whole exam becomes one large RSI-development race, and what is supposed to be completely boring suddenly becomes fun.

After you get your answer, if it matches one of the choices, most likely you are correct. Then you go through all that Scantron bubble trouble. Reminds me of a good Ambrosia game. I was lucky to finish early, so I stole a scantron from a neighbouring desk and bubbled it in under the name of Max Fachine. Its like Fax Machine, but only Max Fachine. Unfortunately I was caught having two scantrons on my desk - but luckily, they didn’t consider to punish me. Today is my last exam, so wish me luck.

Posted by Oleg Ivrii at February 3, 2005 12:17 PM


Good luck, Oleg.

Posted by: aSo at February 3, 2005 02:59 PM

I totoally doomed the chem exam ... *sigh* i forgot what butane is and then, i starts to day dream about what I'm going to do after the exam, so i ended up guessing 20 multiple choice questions(multiply and divide giving numbers) and left like 5 other questiosn blank.

Posted by: Eric C at February 6, 2005 02:31 PM

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