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December 10, 2004

The Better Way

TWO-NINE-NINE Bloor, TWO-NINE-NINE Bloor, TWO-NINE-NINE Call Patrol..." What does this mean? Do I need to hear this? Do I want to hear this? Well then, why do I hear this? Shaddup already.

I am riding the rocket. I meet a few friends and when they get off they leave their gloves behind. So now I have the gloves and have to give them back. But they are not really my friends, I don't really know them, they are from another school and the only way we meet is by accident (such as today). Poses a problem, doesn't it.

Posted by Oleg Ivrii at December 10, 2004 02:29 PM


Are those good gloves?

Posted by: Eric C at December 15, 2004 04:36 PM

wat a coincidence, i saw a nice gloves on the ground this morning while walking to the mall

Posted by: Pucky at December 15, 2004 04:36 PM

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