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December 07, 2004

Assemble, my friends!

Today in school, we had an assembly. And man... was it ever boring. It could be entertaining, or not entertaining, but please make it relevent. Things to consider: Does it concern me? Is it beneficial to me? Do I even want to care? Well, whatever happened, these things weren't considered.

So why do we even have these assemblies? Who invites those people (social interest groups) anyway? Put it simply, next time we have one of those assemblies, I don't want to be there.

Posted by Oleg Ivrii at December 7, 2004 02:57 PM


I rather have assemblies then doing the "In class essays" ;)

Posted by: Eric C at December 15, 2004 04:55 PM

Assemblies are the most moronic thing at DMCI... since... one particular science teacher.

Posted by: Not R. P. at December 15, 2004 04:55 PM

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